faries and angels in silver

fairy with silver background and red ball

flyring silver white fairy with purple ball

male angel with woman on silver background

fairy in silver with orange-creme moon

angelwoman in silver-lightpurple

angelwoman in silver in the moon sitting

silver fairy with purple ball

angel couple in silver with red-orange moon

dancing angels on silver background with purple ball

dancing silver angels with red ball

fairy with ball in silver/blue
fairy with ball in silver/blue

1m by 70cm, fairy in silver purple shades
1m by 70cm, fairy in silver purple shades

in golden colours

thinking fairy in purple/creme,50x70
thinking fairy in purple/creme,50x70

fairy in orange flower,framed- 50x70
fairy in orange flower,framed- 50x70

3part painting 30x70x30 by 50cm, faries in silver purple.
3part painting 30x70x30 by 50cm, faries in silver purple.

fairy girl 50x70
fairy girl 50x70

thinking fairy in orange/red, 50x70
thinking fairy in orange/red, 50x70

fairy with ball in purple
fairy with ball in purple

flying fary in orange

angel in the moon, 60x80cm

flying fairy with flowers in purple, framed 50x70
flying fairy with flowers in purple, framed 50x70


fairy playing with butterflies in mocca/red, 50x70
fairy playing with butterflies in mocca/red, 50x70


flying fairy in re/orange with flowers 50x70
flying fairy in re/orange with flowers 50x70


with butterflies playing fairy, 40x50

angel on the rainbow
angel on the rainbow

angel looking to earth,green
angel looking to earth,green

butterflies in orange/creme
butterflies in orange/creme

For all fairy and angel fans, I hope you like my work.  Most of the showen paintings are 40x50, but you can change colour or size, with or without glitter...and of course we can design your own fairy or angel together.